Church Planting Course — Bridging Gospel and Culture Through Church Planting
Dr. Stan Wood will be leading a masters level class for Denver Seminary. If you are interested in taking the class contact [email protected] or Denver Seminary Registrar.
Course Description
This course explores the bridges between Gospel and culture from a missiological perspective. The Gospel was communicated in the biblical record to individuals and people groups with diverse cultural contexts who embraced the Good News of missio Dei. Beginning with the biblical record, the course surveys transcultural aspects of the Gospel. Particular emphasis is placed on considering cultural bridges, which are faithful missional forms of Gospel witness relevant to particular new communities of faith.
Twenty-first century Western home mission contexts such as individualism, technology, and ethnic pluralism provide the contemporaneous situations for God’s sending of the church with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The course examines the transcultural Gospel and re-casts visionary forms of Gospel witness relevant to North American mission field.