The Field of Identifying
• Partnering with Seminary admission staff to screen incoming students for church planting abilities and facilitate church planter cohort fellowship groups
• Networking with North American Church Planting Organizations, seminaries, and theological training institutes and colleges
• Researching and publishing best practices in church planting leadership
• Church planting, discernment, and assessment events
Rev. Jim Noble, Lead Pastor in Cave Creek, AZ
Rev. Dr. Nancy Graham-Ogne, Organizing Pastor and Teaching Elder in Lake Nona, FL
The Crossing Church, a new church in Jacksonville, FL
“To each is given the manifestation [spiritual gifts] of the Spirit for the common good.”
(1 Corinthians 12: 1, 7)
Wellspring Church
Church planter in Denver, CO
Pittsburgh Church Planter and Sower’s Field founder Stan Wood
At “The Well” church plant in Boulder, Colorado with church planting students
A church planter Identifying and Discernment Conference in Atlanta, GA