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The Field of Identifying

• Partnering with Seminary admission staff to screen incoming students for church planting abilities and facilitate church planter cohort fellowship groups
• Networking with North American Church Planting Organizations, seminaries, and theological training institutes and colleges
• Researching and publishing best practices in church planting leadership
• Church planting, discernment, and assessment events

Rev. Jim Noble, Lead Pastor in Cave Creek, AZ

Rev. Dr. Nancy Graham-Ogne, Organizing Pastor and Teaching Elder in Lake Nona, FL

The Crossing Church, a new church in Jacksonville, FL

“To each is given the manifestation [spiritual gifts] of the Spirit for the common good.”
(1 Corinthians 12: 1, 7)

Church planter in Denver
Wellspring Church

Church planter in Denver, CO

Pittsburgh Church Planter and Stan Wood
Pittsburgh Church Planter and Sower’s Field founder Stan Wood

At “The Well” church plant in Boulder, Colorado with church planting students

A church planter Identifying and Discernment Conference in Atlanta, GA

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